
About us

General purpose of this College exists to accomplish the main purpose of the department of education. That is developing God’s ministers who are capable of pioneering indigenous churches with the potential to grow spiritually, numerically, and geographically in the power of the Holy Spirit, thus fulfilling the Great commission.
Mission statement
The College exists to Develop Servant Leaders Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Reach the Nations. All activities in this college are designed to nourish students’ spiritual, mental, social and ministerial faculties in order to enable them fulfill the Mission Statement. It is our expectation that any one joining our college will fulfill this mission and that each student will prayerfully study and strive to reach the goals and objectives of the institution. We strive to prepare ministers who are capable and effective implementers of the Tanzania Assemblies of God strategic plan which carries a burden of fulfilling the Great Commission in all capacities.
Vision statement
The vision of our Bible College is to have educated servants of integrity, capable of effectively handling various ministries: pastoral, evangelistic, teaching, apostolic and prophetic in the national church and the body of Christ in general. Description of the mission statement
Developing Servant Leaders: This is accomplished by providing sound biblical and theological training, sufficient time of student’s involvement in practical ministries to model their servant hood and providing practical experiences in ministerial skills. Empowered by the Holy Spirit: To ensure that every student experiences the empowerment of the Holy Spirit we:

  • Emphasize daily Spirit filled life which creates conducive atmosphere for spiritual formation and character development
  • Emphasize and encourage daily observance of spiritual disciplines which are necessary for promoting sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit in both life and ministry.
  • To Reach the Nations: We are striving to develop global outreach passion and zeal in the minds and hearts of our students by:
  1. Teaching courses which motivate and inspire desire to reach the unreached of the world.
  2. Conducting every Friday’s lunch hour intercessory prayers for the unreached of the world.
  3. Involving students in practical home missions whereby we reach the unreached people within our country borders through evangelism campaigns, and planting new churches.
  4. Involving students and teachers in foreign missions through giving and consistent intercessory programs.
  5. Teaching missions in a way that imparts passion for global out-reach in order to win multinational souls for Christ.
  6. We aim at training competent servant leaders who are capable of handling various ministerial leadership responsibilities in the Church and who are fully empowered by the Holy Spirit with a broad vision and burden of doing missions in and out of the borders of our country. We desire to see that each student is adequately equipped, spiritually transformed, socially compassionate and zealous to serve, and fully inspired for effective ministry.


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